Today I’m proud to announce the release of The Breakup Recovery Blueprint, a step by step program for surviving and eventually thriving through the end of a relationship.

Transcript below

I have been coaching men and women from around the world for over seven years. Digging deep into breakup recovery, relationships, psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and all kinds of themes relating to personal development.

And in this process, I’ve coached people on how to recover from a breakup or divorce.

The question that has really fueled and motivated me over the past seven years. Working with these people, is what distinguishes breakup survivors from those who are, what I call, breakup thrivers?

What distinguishes the people who are still really struggling, weeks or months after the end of their relationship? Those people who are really thriving weeks or months later?

What are the tools, techniques, practices, and perspectives, which any breakup survivor can use to become a thriver. To become one of those individuals who, rather than being mired in post-breakup pain, is building the best single life possible for themselves. Taking the steps they need to heal the pain of loss. And, to really recover and internalize all the lessons that their last relationship taught them to set them up for an even better relationship in the future?

This question has fueled a lot of my research and I’ve compiled and condensed all of this research. All the conclusions I’ve arrived at into this video course, The Breakup Recovery Blueprint.

After seven years of one on one coaching, thousands of email consultations with men and women going through breakups around the world, I think I’ve arrived at some pretty powerful answers that can help just about any breakup survivor become a breakup thriver, pick up the pieces from their life, start to really turn the corner and start to feel like their old self again.

I put all this together in this new video course. This eight week step-by-step video course with daily exercises. Weekly guided meditations, hours and hours of content. All aimed at helping anyone recover from a breakup and build an incredible new single life for themself.

So as you’re watching this, whether your breakup happened maybe only a few days ago, or whether it happened weeks or months ago, or maybe even years ago, if you’re still struggling with the hangover of your breakup, if you’re still struggling with the aftereffects of a painful breakup or divorce, this course is for you.

In the course, I present a very simple, very straightforward, but intense step-by-step eight-week process that anyone can use to start to recover from a breakup to heal from the pain of loss and to build an incredible new single life for themselves.

The course consists of daily videos over eight weeks, going deeper and deeper into every exercise which I cover in The Breakup Recovery Workbook.

These are journaling exercises, these are mindfulness practices. You’ll see live demonstrations with yours truly. Anecdotes from my own relationships. You’ll hear stories from other breakup survivors.

You’ll hear some of the philosophy and different perspectives that inform my research and that have helped me in my own personal life survive and eventually thrive through my own breakups.

Every week, there will be a different guided meditation aimed specifically at different elements of breakup recovery. I’ve designed these guided meditations with great care and consideration to nail specific aspects of breakup recovery.

You’ll also find a bunch of bonus content and different exercises that aren’t in the guide book. You’ll find a lot in this course, I’m still adding videos as I record this.

And if you’re struggling from the aftereffects of a breakup, if you’re looking for answers, if you’re ready to change, if you realize that you have to do something to change because you’re tired of feeling this way, you’re tired of feeling this pain of loss.

You’re tired of maybe feeling lost or lacking direction.

And you’re not quite sure what to do to start rebuilding your life and start feeling like your old self again, then The Breakup Recovery Blueprint is for you.

We would absolutely love to have you, and as long as you put in the work, you will get results.

This course is not designed for passive observers. As long as you put in the work, you absolutely will see results, and you’ll probably start seeing results in a really short period of time, shorter than you might realize right now.

And if you’re open to it, we would love to have you.

Click here to register for The Breakup Recovery Blueprint, and I’ll see you inside the course.

Zachary Stockill
Zachary Stockill

Hi! I'm a Canadian author and educator whose work has been featured in BBC News, BBC Radio 4, The Huffington Post, and many other publications. I'm the founder of, the author of Overcoming Retroactive Jealousy and The Overcoming Jealousy Workbook, and the host of Humans in Love podcast.