You’ll notice that you haven’t seen a new podcast, a blog post in a minute.
Busy times.
Lots of coaching calls, I was recently at a tantric yoga retreat (stories to come–no pun intended), and I was also busy prepping for the launch of…

(I’m excited, in case you can’t tell.)
Humans in Love is a venue for laid-back conversations about culture, relationships, and personal development featuring unconventional perspectives.
Think of it as “self-improvement” that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
One week we might be talking about sex and overcoming jealousy, the next I might be unpacking a bestselling author’s creative process.
In short: if you’re interested in getting more out of life and love (which it seems to me you are, if you’re reading this blog post), I think you’re really going to like Humans in Love.
To listen to me talk more about what the podcast will include, click here. Or listen below.:
AND–to listen to Episode 1 featuring bestselling author and world-renowned Beatles expert Mark Lewisohn, click here.
Please note that I won’t be posting many new episodes on this blog. To stay up to date and listen to new episodes, be sure to head over to my personal website.
Subscriptions, ratings, and reviews are absolutely crucial for a podcast’s success.
So when you get a minute, please take thirty seconds to subscribe, and leave a quick rating and review on iTunes. You can learn how to do that (it’s super easy) on this page.
Very, very excited to know what you think about this exciting new project. And thanking you in advance for your listenership and support.
This is going to be fun.
Humans in Love is available worldwide on
iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and just about anywhere else podcasts can be listened to.